Police & PSO exam changes

The Victoria Police have engaged the services of ACER (Australian Council of Educational Research) to write and conduct the entrance exam for Police and PSO candidates.

During April 2015, the details of their brand new entrance exam for candidates was released. The reason the exam was rewritten was to reflect changes in how Police and PSO officers perform their jobs and how the use of technology has also transformed the way they work in the station. As before, the passmark for Police candidates is slightly higher than PSO candidates.

The new exam now has 8 components and are as follows:

Test ComponentAssessment TypeNumber of QuestionsTime AllowedPassmark
Literacy SkillsOnline Multiple Choice3035 min111 or greater
Summary WritingWritten Essay120 min14/20
Extended WritingWritten Essay145 min14/20
Verbal ReasoningOnline Multiple Choice3415 min15/34
NumeracyOnline Numeric Entry & Multiple Choice3035 min111 or greater
Abstract ReasoningOnline Multiple Choice4520 min32/45
Oral AssessmentOnline Audio Response510 min14/20
Computer SkillsOnline Multiple Choice2015 min22/25

There have also been a number of other changes such as needing to wait at least 3 months before being able to re-sit a failed component of the entrance exam. You still want to be able to score as high as possible as this is looked upon very favorably during the overall process.

As of the 29th May 2015, our new practice exams are now available for Police and PSO candidates. They can be found in the “Products” menu above.

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