Are you looking for Science Tutoring in Melbourne? Our experienced tutors can help students at any level and of all abilities to achieve higher grades and improve confidence. We offer individual tutoring which means a program can be developed for each individual student depending on their need. At the end of each class, you have the opportunity to speak to your child’s tutor to ask any questions and remain up-to-date on their progress.
In studying science, students acquire scientific knowledge and skills, and gain an understanding of its existence in everyday applications. Studying science at a secondary level gives students the grounding to choose a science at VCE level, and the option to continue on to a university degree in the science or engineering fields. However, at Strive for Excellence we provide tuition to a large number of students who have a keen interest in the subject, but struggle because they have had very little exposure to science in primary school. They are unfamiliar with scientific vocabulary and the writing style that is specific to science.
Our science tutoring program covers all the topics taught in junior and middle school science including body systems, genetics, sound and light, electricity, microbes, heat and energy, classification, magnetism, rocks and fossils, chemistry, materials, physical and chemical changes, ecology, astronomy, forces, motion, forensic science, and technology.
Our science tutors are highly qualified to provide tuition in secondary education science. They received excellent study scores in science for VCE and are now studying science-related courses at university, including medicine, bio-medicine, pharmacy, science and nutrition. They are passionate about the science field, and enjoy passing on their enthusiasm to students.
Our tutors will teach students how to think scientifically, and how to make the connection between the various theoretical concepts covered in the syllabus. They also provide valuable, practical advice in topics such as how to correctly structure and write prac-reports and scientific essays. They give useful tips on how to become familiar with scientific vocabulary, an area that many students struggle with. Our students regularly complete practice tests in order to give them a good understanding of the types of questions that may be asked in a typical exam.
At the Strive for Excellence centre we are able to offer our students an extensive range of study tools such as books, computer programs, models, worksheets, notes and practical activities that help students build a solid understanding of scientific concepts, and ultimately perform at their best.