Our Biology Tutoring in Melbourne is for students of all abilities. Students receive individual tutoring from trained tutors who customise a program for each individual students. This program then allows the student to discover their true potential for higher grades and increase in confidence.
At then end of each Biology Tutoring session, the tutor will speak to the parents so they are kept up-to-date with their child’s progress. The parents also have the opportunity to ask any questions. Our tuition times are flexible so tutoring can easily be fit in to the busy family schedule during the week.
Put quite simply, biology is the study of living things that live in the many different habitats of our biosphere. The study of biology prepares students for further studies in bioscience and entry into the workforce in a wide range of careers, ranging from research, healthcare, environmental management and conservation and education.
The course is varied and interesting and covers the areas of biochemistry, neuroscience, genetics, evolutionary biology, behavioural science, cell and molecular biology.
At Strive for Excellence we find that many of the students who come to us for Biology tutoring are struggling because they have taken up Units 3 and 4 Biology in Year 11, when they do not have VCE experience. Our talented tutors, all of who performed exceptionally well at VCE, help to ease the transition for these students by providing information on what is expected of them at a Year 12 level. In addition, many of the students who are not studying chemistry at the same time find the course difficult because there is a large amount of biochemistry in the course. Our tutors are able to help to overcome this by giving students a brief overview of the chemistry that is needed to understand the biology.
The Biology course has a large emphasis on practical skills. We are able to help students to see the purpose of the experiments that are studied and carried out, assisting students to link their knowledge of the theory to the results of the experiments. This all helps to improve a student’s SAC grades.
Our Biology tutors are highly qualified to provide tuition in secondary education biology. They received excellent study scores in science for VCE and are now studying science-related courses at university, including medicine, bio-medicine, pharmacy, science and nutrition. They are passionate about the science field, and enjoy passing on their enthusiasm to students.
At the Strive for Excellence tutoring centre we have fantastic resources to teach all aspects of the biology course, both the core components and any of the detailed study designs that a student’s school is focusing on. We hold an extensive collection of notes, activities and practice exams for the subject.
It is important for students to know what to expect in an exam and to prepare extensively for them. The previously administered mid-year exam not longer exists, making the final exam 60% of the overall mark. Students must perform well on this exam in order to obtain excellent overall marks. At Strive for Excellence we have extensive experience in exam coaching and our students regularly complete practice tests in order to give them a good understanding of the types of questions that may be asked in a typical exam.